Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Resep Membuat Es Pisang Ijo

Bahan-Bahan Es Pisang Ijo :
  • 40 gram tepung beras
  • 1/2 sendok teh garam
  • 300 ml air
  • 100 ml air daun suji
  • 3 tetes pewarna hijau
  • 175 gram tepung beras
  • 5 buah pisang raja yang tua
  • es serut
  • sirup merah
Bahan Saus :
  • 650 ml santan
  • 50 gram tepungh terigu
  • 75 gram gula pasir
  • 1 lembar daun pandan
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam
Cara Membuat Es Pisang Ijo :
  1. Aduk tepung beras, garam, air, air daun suji, pewarna hijau lalu rebus sambil diaduk sampai mendidih, angkat.
  2. Tambahkan tepung beras, aduk rata lalu aduk lagi sampai kalis(tidak lengket). Tipiskan adonan, balutkan pada pisang hingga tertutup.
  3. Kukus pisang selama 20 menit. Angkat dan sisihkan.
  4. Rebus bahan saus sampai mendidih, angkat lalu dinginkan.
  5. Potong-potong pisang hijau, tuangkan saus, es serut, dan sirup merah.
  6. Sajikan segera 
Recipe Banana Ice Green   

Ingredients Banana Ice green:             

• 40 grams of rice flour
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
• 300 ml of water
• 100 ml of water leaves suji
• 3 drops of green dye
175 grams of rice flour
5 pieces of the old king banana
crushed ice
syrups red

Sauce Ingredients:

650 ml coconut milk
• 50 grams of wheat flour
• 75 grams of sugar
1 sheet of pandan leaf
1 / 4 teaspoon salt

How to Make Banana Ice green:
1. Stir in rice flour, salt, water, water leaves suji, green dye and boil, stirring until   boiling
    remove from heat.
2. Add the rice flour, mix well and stir again until smooth (not sticky). Trimmed dough,
    Wraps on a banana until covered.
3. Steam the bananas for 20 minutes. Remove and set aside.
4. Boil the sauce ingredients to a boil, remove and let cool.
5. Chop the green bananas, pour the sauce, shaved ice, and red syrup.
6. Serve immediately.

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